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NotDan’s blog

Sushi and Sieges!

Tuesday January 16th, 2007 at 1:11am

Last few days have been lots of fun. On Friday evening, I went to a sushi night at Ben and Claire’s. Lots of fanning rice, and later, squishing it up into nigiri blocks by hand! It was the first time I’ve properly eaten raw fish, and I’m in two minds about it. The flavour is nice, and quite delicate, but the slightly slimy texture is a little off-putting. I’m hoping I can cultivate my taste for it slightly more. I did discover, though, that mackerel grilled with a little soy is *amazing*, and the evening produced a great quote from Claire – “only because I was gutting fish at the time!” Sunday, meanwhile saw the first Scarred Lands of term. I was monstering, and so got to lay siege to my own tent, which was tremendous fun. One of Peter’s favourite tricks, back when he ran small events for the Tuatha, was to lay siege to our hall of an evening, so I already knew from experience how terrifying LARP sieges could be – I think a lot of the player party found out the hard way ; )

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