
JordanI’m hoping to enjoy this site now that I’ve started using it, what do you think?

Jordanj’s blog


Tuesday February 20th, 2007 at 23:00pm

Letter arrived during the week inviting me to Goring for some recuperation on the approach to Easter. Ex had a go about it being during the Easter school holiday. Beggers can’t be choosers. Not one person from work has contacted me still. *sigh* Even best friend hasn’t responded to my letter. I’m gutted to be honest. I swear I don’t know what I’ve done to make her so mad at me. I’ve spoken to Occupational Health though. The woman who’s responsible for my borough has had back trouble and operations herself so she knows what I’m going through. She’s told me I’m not allowed to come back till I’ve seen the consultant which is 14th March. I was hoping to go back 28th Feb when this certificate expires. Really annoyed about that. My physio says that normally the consultant will refer to him as to whether I should go back to work and at what level anyway. I’ve also asked her to refer me for counselling again. I’ve had some terribly low moments recently. I’m not gonna go and get anti-depressants or anything but sometimes the lack of sleep and feeling alone here gets to me.

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