Jordanj’s blog
Gettign pissed off with being indoors all the time again. My sergeant visited as promised. Didn’t have much to say for herself. Then today, a different sergeant visited and gave me my pay slip and took it away again cos they need it to prove to the recoup place at Goring that I’ve been paying into the scheme. I have a form I need to get my GP to complete as well so I need to make an appt to see him before I can get myself into Goring. Ex has popped round to my GP this eevning to see what painkillers I can get out of him. I gave her a list of what the hospital gave me and told her to order it all and see what I get back. Should be ready to collect tonight. Wonder what goodies the doctor will let me have? The worst thing about the tablets I have is that I can’t drink with them. I’m getting bored of not drinking and not smoking. Speaking of which, my brother in law popped round yesterday to ‘see how I am’ but within 10 minutes he was complaining he had no money till Thursday and had no cigarettes. I told him I had no cash as I’d given my last £30 to my ex to pay for shopping she’d bought me and I didn’t need to keep cash indoors as I don’t need cash to buy cigarettes now I’ve given up and all the food I need is indoors. He left about 90 seconds after that! So transparent! I did have a £20 note but if he had ‘no money’ he wouldn’t have been able to break it. Told my ex later and she confessed she’d ‘lent’ him £20 over the Christmas period. *sigh* God I need a shag. I also really want a drink. Not too bothered about fags.