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Hugzee’s blog
The ramblings of a mildly incoherent mind...
6 go mad in Birmingham (not Alabama)
Stuff happens, some of it good some of it bad. Some good stuff happened at the end of last year (including a nice bonus and rather large pay rise. It comes to something when one of your bosses, I have several, comes up with a salary rise letter and says “It’s so large because I didn’t realise your pay was so shite” - yes in those words). Some bad stuff happened this month, me and Scott deciding to go our separate ways being part of that. Anyways that’s all water under bridges etc. Had a great day yesterday, thanks to Mattingham organising a meet in Birmingham. Rangitoto helped by not having me wandering round for several hours alone (my own fault I could have caught a later train but I felt that was a bit of a waste of a day. I’ve booked a week off mid-May and am looking to rent a cottage down in Cornwall for a week. I know I could just stay here (probably as lovely an area as some of the cottages I’ve been looking at - and somewhat more remote) and be on my own but I want to get away, change of scenery and all that. Have to go back to Birmingham within the next week or so to renew my Indian visa as it looks like I’m off there at the end of March - hopefully only for a week this time. Last year I walked from the New sTreet to the Jewellery Quarter, mainly cos I didn’t realise you could get a train out there. Now I do so may take the train or tram instead (must find out where the station is in relation to the consulate). Mind you if the weather’s OK then it was actually quite a nice walk.