
Posh Northern Bummer

Deev’s blog

It’s the weekend!

Saturday January 10th, 2004 at 1:40am

Back to work today, despite having something of a sore throat and a hacking cough- well at least they knew I wasn’t making it up. Had my quarterly one-to-one interview with my manager too, which was dull. She had nothing but good things to say about me though, which is always a morale booster. I did have to bite my tongue a bit when she was talking about how to take things forward in the future. What made it worse was that she sidetracked onto a story about a time in her last job when she knew a load of people were being made redundant. She hated having to talk to everyone about the future with a straight face, knowing that they in fact had no future. Oh if only she knew... Discreetly broke the news to Alice, one of my workmates who, whilst being quite upset to see me go, agreed that it was the right move. We’ve made a pact not to lose touch which I intend to keep as she’s one of only a couple of people there that I really like. Charlie’s away all weekend at Graham’s. He’s taking his car back to the garage again after something else has broken on it. I can’t help feeling slightly smug at the amount of times his £2k+ car has been returned to the garage in the 3 months he’s owned it, after he ranted that he wanted to spend more on a car so that he could “rely on it”. I’ve had my £350 motor 10 months and 12000 miles now and not a thing has gone wrong with it. *beam* So this weekend I have the unenviable job of clearing out all the crap from the cellar and elsewhere in the house so that there is room to move my new tenant and associated furniture (and cats) in next weekend. I’ll have to kick my own arse to do it as well. Normally I get sick of housework after the hoovering... I should probably go to bed, really.

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