
Chris BlackYeah, well I’m a happy-go-lucky guy with plenty of chips on my shoulder, but mostly I like satisfying the every whim of blog/chatroom administrators. This week it’s...anybody here know a Scott? :S

TheElusivePossom’s blog

The Secret Diary of Gaydrian Pole, Aged 19 and a bit!

Planet of the Gapes 2: Journey to the Centre of My Ass

Wednesday December 21st, 2005 at 9:22am

Hmmm, I realise now that I tend to have an extended weekend of nihilstic fun, and then write about it 5 days later when I’ve forgotten it all! As such, only the juiciest details will be included here... - FRIDAY - I went to The Swan with Scottlet, and we met up with Mogwai, Mage and Wozzle and I had a Black (blackcurrant) Magners’ (Magners’) of Death on the Mountains of Dark Mordor (with ice). I loved being a couple with Scottbet there, although he seemed to think ppl were staring and wondering what we were doing together. I put his mind at ease by massaging his balls. He likes that. I got my coat back, made a pass at the bouncer, and took Scott home because he was a tired moose. - SATURDAY - Scott and I got up really late /again/...we’re really bad at that! We did a really quick xmas shop, but I didn’t have time to get much. I made everyone really late for the ice-skating thing (sorry guys!) and it was clearly the coldest day ever - I kept hugging Scott for warmth much to his extreme annoyance! I sat and watched the wonderful skating skills of Lloyd, Warren and Mogwai (who had clearly done it before, the gay) - Warren’s movement was poetry in motion! I played with Scott’s device and he took a few groovy pics of chairs and ppl’s shoes. We then grabbed some food from the cafe round the corner and discussed Voltaire. Then we all headed home (uh-oh, i’ve started to call it home! : P) and began the festivities proper! - Scott mulled wine and I mulled over Scott. We had delicious chicken bits, and after watching lots of lovely TV (and having some deep mind-warping discussions) we all went to bed had some sexy sex. - SUNDAY - Was a bit more organised this time - Scott took me to the lovely market at Spitalfields (where he was attacked by Jack the Ripper once) and I managed to buy a few things. It was very sweet of him to tag along, as it was clearly hurting him to be conscious, let alone trudge around with me in the cold! We had a lovely meal at Pizza Express, which was hell for poor Scottling : ( I really hope he gets better during the week! - MONDAY - Work today was laughably lethargic - I basically just chatted to Scott and wanked to spreadsheets. After, it got interesting tho - I went to my School reunion. We were divided into tables: jocks and popular kids on one, the GX crew on another, and the Emo kids and complete losers on the last. Guess where I was : ( the evening basically consisted of teachers sucking the cocks of students on the first table and showering them with awards. I was delighted to hear, however, that Oli (one of bestest friends ever) won Musician of the Year and Alex (the love of my life) won the award for best human in the world. I had 7 glasses of wine, but Jon Badowski had 12, as well as a large does of Night Nurse, and he collapsed against a tree, threw up and had to be taken home. After that, we moved on to a party at Amy’s house, which turned out to be amazing! We played pictionary, and I drank a lot, and I got to see all my uni friends again, including Tom (FIT!) and Peter (other previous love) who now has regular sex from his fat new gf Sarah! Yey! Speaking of Sarah (the bitch that sent me threatening e-mails) she DID turn up, but left after about 5 mins, so I didn’t even have to see her - Glad I’ve made things uncomfortable for her. CHRIS: “I find the whole concept of religion ridiculous” DRUNKEN SIMON: “I know...’s’’re not supposed to find black ppl ridiculous...but they are...” CHRIS: ... Amy and I laughed at him for about 10 mins. : D T’other Simon was drunk AGAIN, and kept asking ppl to have sex with him (he asks me a little too much, I feel). Peter told me things with his gf were “going well”, so I made sure he knew how much I “keep making Scott cum”. We played the After Eight game (where you place it on your forehead and try getting it in your mouth, without using hands) and I eventually got there! I also got to meet Dan’s new love interest, who<

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