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Serenity comic book preview out
Thursday June 2nd, 2005 at 14:10pm
From: TFAW.comTo: Owen Blacker Date: Wed, 01 Jun 2005 17:27:54 -0700 Delivery-date: Thu, 02 Jun 2005 01:28:53 +0100 Subject: Serenity Comic Preview Available Online Owen Blacker, All of us here at TFAW.com are chomping at the bit for the new Serenity comic to be released and now we can get a little taste of what’s to come. Dark Horse Comics just released five preview pages of Serenity #1 (the first of the three comic mini-series) and you can view the pages at TFAW.com! Check out the online preview of the comic here: www.tfaw.com/r/r.php/crm175/23749 Each issue of the Serenity miniseries will be shipping with three covers by different artists. We’ve got all of the first 2 comics in the series available for pre-order. If you don’t have all your copies reserved, now is the time! Find Serenity #1 & #2 pre-orderable for 10% off here: www.tfaw.com/r/r.php/crm175/23750