
Profile for Deadbot (Viewed 3,883 times)

About me

Deadbot was the 219th member of FreakCity and has wasted 1 week, 2 days, 13 hours so far on this site

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Last online:
Wednesday June 20th, 2007 at 6:30am 
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+Fetters+: Green, odd hair, Liberal, wannabe student, White Collar Engineer, drunkard, rugby playing homosexualist +Gabriel+: I’ll put something here when my brain is working, that way I’m likely to be able to say something thats not going to make me look like a complete twonk. :o) +keybuk+: Most of my friends say I`m weird +laurs_bobbins+: Random girl. Yeah. Do you like the pic? It’s me pretending to be sexy..... ha!
Am also pretend history student who doesn’t really like reading history books, but they haven’t found me out....yet. +robmacca+: I’m a recluce. +scott+: Freakcity’s daddeh. +sunin+: righty me... umm.. i could be described as a spontaneous energetic thing who lives life to the max and drinks lots... or a just a boring old young twat... send me a message to find out which one i am... +Swinkle+: I’m Swinstead: huge geek and massive F1 fan extraordinaire. I’ve never liked Bob Marley and I’m several years past caring if that makes me uncool or not.